Why Keyword Research is the Most Important Part of Digital Marketing

Did you know that keyword research is the most important part of digital marketing? If you want your website to be successful, you need to make sure that you are targeting the right keywords. In this article, I will explain how to do basic keyword research and discuss some of the best tools available. We will also talk about why keyword research is so important and how it can help your business grow.

What is Keyword Research?

Researching keywords is an important part of any digital marketing strategy. It allows you to find out what people are searching for online, which can help you create content that ranks well in search engines like Google and Bing. When someone searches using your keywords, they will see results related back to their query, so it’s crucial that you invest time researching what people want before creating content for your website.

In order to do effective keyword research, you need access to tools and resources that will help narrow down your search terms based on popularity as well as relevance; we’ll cover some of these below! But first, let’s take a look at why it matters so much.

People use search engines every day to look for information on topics they are interested in, and when someone clicks on a result on Google or Bing, it’s because the content is relevant to them right there and then! If you want your business to rank well on these types of searches (and therefore drive more traffic) then doing good keyword research is key.

Keyword Research Tools

Some of the best tools available for doing effective keyword research are Google Adwords, Bing Ads Keyword Planner, and AHRefs. These tools enable you to search a database of terms based on popularity as well as relevance; they also have features that help narrow down your results so you can focus in on what’s most important!

Google Adwords Keyword Tool

In order to get started with Google Adwords, simply type “Google adwords” into the search bar and you will be taken straight there if it hasn’t already been bookmarked by your browser settings (or saved as an app on your smartphone). Once you’re logged in, the main page will show you some of the most popular keywords that people are currently targeting.

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You can also use this tool to get ideas for new keywords; simply enter a word or phrase into the box at the top, and Adwords will generate a list of related terms. Then just click on any of these to see how often they’re searched for!

Bing Ads Keyword Planner

Like the Google Adwords tool, this is another great resource that allows users to search a database of terms based on popularity as well as relevance; it also has features that help narrow down your results so you can focus on what’s most important!

To get started with Bing Ads, simply type “Bing ads” into your browser and login if necessary. Once you’ve done this then click on Tools > Keyword Planner (which can also be found under Campaign Management). From here, select Create New Campaign or Edit Existing One—if it’s your first time using the tool, then you’ll be prompted to create a new campaign.

Now just enter a keyword or phrase into the provided field and hit Enter! This will give you a list of related terms as well as how often they’re searched for; you can also get ideas for ads here by clicking on the “Ad Ideas” tab.

AHRefs Keyword Tool

Another great tool for keyword research is AHRefs (www.ahrefs.com). It offers a wide range of research tools, from keyword research to backlink analysis and even content gap and analysis tools. It is a paid service (and can be expensive), but the quality of information it provides makes it more than worth the asking price. Not only does it have a database of keywords that you can search thru, but it also has features that allow you to see how your website (or your competitor’s website) is performing in search results.

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To get started with AHRefs simply visit their website and sign up or log in. If you don’t have an account, there is a 7-day free trial to let you see how powerful this system is. Once in, navigate to the keyword research tab at the top of the screen and enter your search phrase.

This will give you a list of related terms as well as how often they’re searched for; you also get ideas split down into keyword ideas such as questions, what people also ask and what you should also rank for. These are great for building a strong content strategy around.

The most important thing when it comes to keyword research is that you want your content to be relevant to the search terms people are using – not just what Google thinks will rank well in its algorithm! In fact, matching search intent, thanks to recent Google updates such as BERT and MUM, is now a key ranking factor. In other words, if you answer the searchers’ questions precisely and better than anyone else, you can often rank highly with no backlinks or off-page SEO. This is huge! However, in basic terms, you should use these tools to find out which keywords have high search volume but low competition so they don’t get buried under other websites.

Other Sources

Keyword research tools like the ones we’ve mentioned are a great place to start, but you can also use other methods like Google Trends and Answer the Public.

Google Trends is a tool that allows users to see how often certain terms are being searched for (based on location), along with related queries and other data. This can give you an idea of what people are looking for when they search on Google – which keywords have high volume but low competition, so you have a chance to rank and get traffic!

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Answer the Public is another great tool that helps users find questions asked by real people; this might give you some ideas for blog posts or even products/services that could be offered!

To get started with Answer the Public, simply type in a keyword and hit “Search”. This will show you a list of questions that people have been asking about that topic – along with other related data like keywords, phrases and topics. You can then use this information to create content that answers these questions.

For example, if someone were looking for “how to lose weight”, they might also be interested in other topics like dieting and exercise! You could write a blog post about the importance of eating healthy foods on your journey toward losing weight or how exercising regularly can help you achieve your goals faster.

The good thing about these tools is that many of them are free to use, but if you want even more features, like exporting data into Excel spreadsheets, then there may be some costs involved. However, most people find that just using the basic version works well enough for their needs!


Keyword research is the most important part of digital marketing because it helps you understand what people are searching for and looking to buy. When you find out which keywords have high search volume but low competition, then your content naturally has a higher chance of ranking well in search engines like Google. Keywords can also be used to identify related topics that will help bolster your website’s SEO efforts. The tools we covered today should give you an idea about how keyword research can be done; however, there are many other methods too! You just need to decide which one works best with your budget or business goals before getting started!

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