Essentially, the aim and goal of a digital product advisor is to provide your customers, particularly rookie customers, with an intriguing alternative to the typical filters that are offered in virtually all online stores today.
What Is a Product Advisor?
Simply put, product advisors help customers find the right product for their needs. They ask individualized, need-oriented questions about what you’re looking to buy and provide a list of products that meet these criteria, along with an explanation as to why one option is better than another, so users don’t have trouble deciding on which product to buy!
Product advisors are primarily considered by businesses as a means of increasing sales, improving the customer experience, and reducing product returns and returns. Product advisors, on the other hand, can play a significant part in generating organic traffic to your site if they are properly optimized.
Making your advisor search engine-friendly involves six stages. Let’s discuss what they are:
Your product advisor should be helping you to rank higher in search results, but you don’t need to worry about becoming an SEO specialist. By following these simple steps, you can be sure that your advisor is helping you to improve your position in the search engine rankings.
1. Identify the keywords you want to be ranked in the search results.
First and foremost, establish the keywords you want your advisor landing page to rank for in Google search results after creating it. Make use of Google’s Keyword Planner to conduct your study and select keywords that have a high search volume but are not overly general in nature.
For example, if your store has a laptop advisor integrated, you must learn how your customers refer to such a service. Perhaps they would call it a laptop counselor, a laptop finder, a laptop quiz, or something else entirely. You can also search for more specialized, more need-oriented, and therefore more lucrative long-tail keywords (keywords that contain more than two words), such as: which laptop should I buy, which laptop is best for gaming, which laptop is best for photo editing, and so on.
The following is an example of keyword research conducted using Google’s Keyword Planner.

This basic investigation has revealed that laptop finder, which receives between 1k-10k ( using another tool, I have guestimated an average of 8,100) monthly searches. The point is, this term has a significantly greater potential to create traffic than laptop advisor, which receives an average of 90 searches per month.
The first step to creating an excellent advisor page is ensuring that you have thought about what keywords should be used. To do this, take some time and look into different phrases for which your site might optimize its content – write them all down so there’s no mistake!
2. Optimize the page content.
A product advisor is often embedded into a website through the use of JavaScript code. While the content of a product adviser is generated and interpreted by Google bots, the product advisor does not typically provide much flexibility to assure high keyword density without sacrificing the user experience. As a result, you should make certain that the keywords are included in the following sections of your adviser landing page:
The header tag is the first thing that comes up on a webpage when someone does an internet search. You want to make certain this reflects your business and who you are as well! The following is an example of a good H1 tag:
Laptop Finder – Find the most appropriate laptop for your needs!
Introduce the advisor to the users. It is possible that this is the first time a user has encountered a guided selling solution. Provide your visitors with a quick introduction that explains the website’s goal and benefits, how to use it, and the steps a user must take in order to find the desired product in the first paragraph of the page.
Don’t be afraid to include other details. Below the advisor, you can put more extensive information about how the advisor works, such as a description of the features that are taken into consideration, the number of goods that are being reviewed, or other relevant information.
3. Make sure the title tag and meta description are optimized.
HTML attributes for specifying the title of a webpage and providing brief descriptions of the content of the webpage are the title tag and meta description, respectively. To display preview snippets for a certain page on search engine result pages (SERPs), titles and descriptions are often utilized on search engine result pages.
Due to the fact that it indicates the emphasis, content, and relevancy of your website, your title tag is a key component in search results ranking. Unlike the title tag, meta descriptions have no effect on search engine optimization, but they are extremely crucial in getting user click-throughs from search engine results.
4. Verify that Google can crawl and index your website.
JavaScript is typically used to integrate digital advisers into a system. It used to be a problem for the big search engines because they were only capable of understanding static HTML information at the time. It is safe to say that Google can crawl and index dynamically inserted information these days and that such content can rank highly in search engines.
The “Fetch and Render” tool provided by Google can be used to determine whether or not your JavaScript-based digital adviser has been crawled and indexed. It enables you to experiment and see how Googlebot will portray your advisor’s recommendations.
The ‘Fetch and Render’ feature in Google’s search results will show no difference between the two views provided your digital adviser is correctly displayed without mistakes.
In addition, if the JavaScript code is too difficult or obscure to be executed, the tool will produce a warning message. Because these situations hinder Googlebots from fully displaying the page, you should make certain that your digital advisers take Google’s guidelines for JavaScript-based pages and applications into consideration while creating your website or application.
It’s important to note that Bing and Yahoo search engines have more limited indexing capabilities than Google.
When deciding the search result ranking of your website, Google takes into consideration more than 200 factors. For many years, links were unquestionably one of the most significant SEO variables to consider—links leading to your website and to certain pages on your website function similarly to votes. The greater the number of votes received by your page, the higher it will rank in the search engine results pages.
The Google link quality criteria, for example, dictate that you must adhere to particular rules while developing your link-building strategy. Some of the prohibited and destructive link-building practices include the purchasing and swapping of links, as well as the use of automated programs or low-quality websites to generate connections for your website. Nonetheless, there are a plethora of methods for building high-quality connections that do not violate Google’s standards.
Internal linking is one of the simplest and most underappreciated methods of increasing link popularity. It involves adding a link on a webpage that points to another page or resource on the same domain.
Your website, particularly your home page, has almost certainly established a certain level of authority. Make use of it to improve your advisor landing pages by linking to them from your website’s homepage and other topic-related pages, such as category pages. To increase the SEO potential of these advisor pages, you can utilize banners or text links, whichever appears to be more appropriate for your business design approach.
6. Spread the word about your adviser outside of the office.
This is when the real fun begins. By marketing your adviser landing page, you’ll have a better chance of gaining visitors from other communication channels while also establishing high-quality connections for the sake of search engine optimization (SEO).
Here are a few ideas of how you can market your product advisors to customers:
Make use of social media outlets to promote your advisor. Not only on your official social media profiles. Immerse yourself in Real-Time Communication! Monitor chats, look for people who are in need of assistance and direct them in the direction of your advisors for assistance.
Participate in the life of the community. Look for and interact with people who are asking for assistance on Q&A websites, forums, blogs, and other similar platforms.
Produce and promote original content. Write articles for your company’s blog or as guest posts on other blogs to gain exposure. There are countless possibilities for discussion topics. Using this example, you can give ideas and strategies for purchasing the best laptop, such as this laptop purchase guide, while also including a link to your adviser’s website. Don’t forget to advertise your posts; if you don’t, the quality of the content and the time you put into writing it will almost likely go undetected by your target audience.
Make a press release and disseminate it to the appropriate people. Allow the world to know how much you value providing a positive experience, and persuade your potential consumer that you are the best option. At this point, a decision must be made.
Get creative with your content and give back to the digital world. Send out a newsletter that not only brings in new clients but also stimulates social signals such as likes or shares on Facebook!
Distribute your advisor to your distribution partners through syndication. Especially if you are selling your items or providing services through third-party websites, it is a good idea to integrate your digital advisors into these pages as well. It will ensure that your customers have a more uniform experience and that your partners are communicating your brand message in the most effective manner. When creating your adviser landing page, utilize the tag link rel=canonical” href=”[URL of your main advisor landingpage]> to prevent syndicated advisors from lowering the ranking of your advisor landing page. If you want Googlebots to know that you are the original publisher or source, you’ll need to include this tag in the head part of HTML code on all of the pages that have syndicated your advisor’s content. To ensure consistency among all syndicated advisors, your advisor landing page should serve as the canonical version.
If you have made the decision to invest in a Guided Selling solution, you have already taken an important step in improving your search engine rankings. Usability and user experience are second-order factors that influence the success of a search engine ranking campaign.
The product advisor alone will not propel you to the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs) for the most profitable keywords for your company. However, if you invest some effort in determining the keywords to target, creating the landing page, and marketing your advice through various communication channels, you will undoubtedly see an increase in traffic.