What is Fragmented Advertising?

When you talk with almost any advertising agency or blue-chip company executive about advertising and promotion, you will almost certainly hear the use of buzzwords such as “fragmented advertising” and “consumer-centric campaigns”. But these aren’t just some of the usual corporate psycho-babble that we expect to hear, as well as lengthy discussions about the numerous pitfalls and difficulties associated with developing effective advertising campaigns in today’s world.

What is the definition of fragmentation? It refers to the expansion in the number of methods accessible for delivering your message to your target audience.

One of the most difficult challenges an entrepreneur faces is the fact that advertising has changed and evolved over the course of the last many years. It currently encompasses visual, audio, and electronic media as well as other forms of communication.

Even if you just look at the possibilities for your website, you’ll find popups, popovers, audio messages, flash video, RSS, and even animated “salespeople” that can be programmed to appear right on your website and interact with your clients. What’s more, this is only the tip of the iceberg!

Advertising is Dead!

Does this mean that traditional advertising, which includes billboards as well as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines, is no longer effective?

Of course it’s not, and not by a long shot. According to one of the world’s most successful advertising executives, traditional advertising strategies are still in use because they are effective.

Understanding your target market, what they want, and how they go about finding that information is key to success in any business venture.

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In the words of Mark Twain, “Many a modest object has been made enormous by the appropriate amount of advertisement.”

Know Your Clients

Knowing your clients allows you to spend your advertising dollars on the channels that they utilize to search for answers to their questions.

If the majority of your consumers are senior adults who do not use the internet, direct the majority of your advertising money to the newspapers, magazines, television, and radio programs that they read, watch, or listen to on a regular basis.

If your target audience consists of working parents, you must understand how, when, and where they obtain their information. Is it available on the Internet? What radio stations do they tune in to each day? What publications do they subscribe to? Do they have access to a television? When? Why?

How To Develop a Successful Advertising Campaign

You may well be asking yourself, what are the best ways to develop a successful advertising campaign?

Well, here are some easy steps to follow:

  1. Understand who you’re speaking to. What exactly do they want? What stores do they frequent? What exactly do they read? What are their ages? What places do they like to hang out? Is your product or service required by them? Is your product or service within their financial reach?
  2. Be familiar with your competition. Prepare to undertake a little investigative work if you want to succeed. What marketing strategies are being used by your three primary competitors? What media are they using to advertise? How often should I do this? What kinds of marketing techniques are they employing to reach their target audience? What is the length of time they have been in operation? Are you reaching the same people as your competitors? Is your message distinct from the rest? Study their advertising to see what they’re doing properly and come up with innovative ideas to make your own advertising just a little bit better, or to differentiate yourself from the competition.
  3. Third, take a look at what the “big dogs” in your sector are doing and see if you can adapt some of their approaches to your target audience and financial constraints.
  4. Be clear about your message. What exactly are you attempting to communicate? What is it that your customers want to hear from you? Why should they purchase from you rather than from someone else? Make each and every word count.
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There is a good chance that your clients are far more technologically sophisticated today than they were five years ago, or even just one year ago. However, while the Internet has made previously unimaginable amounts of information available, it has also contributed to the “information overload” that consumers have complained about.

It’s All About Now

When it comes to information, products, and services, another side effect of the Internet is that your clients are undoubtedly accustomed to receiving “immediate gratification” when they are looking for information, products, or services. They desire it, and they desire it immediately. Ensure that you’re providing your clients with exactly what they want, when they want it.

If you want to run a successful advertising campaign, don’t strive to be everything to everyone at the same time. Take into consideration that your advertising is a two-way discussion between you and your “ideal” customer.
Consider this: If your advertisements provide clients with what they want, they will not regard them as a bother, but rather as a service to them.

Traditionally advertised products and services are still viable options, and they may be used to advantage if you pay attention to who your clients are and what they desire.

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