blogging away debt

Blogging Away Debt

As the cost of living increases, more and more of us are trying to figure out ways to make money that don’t involve building up any more debt. Blogging is one of those ways. With a blog, you can work on your own schedule while making enough money to pay off debts! If you’re interested … Read more

digital marketing for plumbers

Digital Marketing for Plumbers – All You Need To Know

If you’re a plumber or an aspiring one, you know how important it is to stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends. Marketing is everything in this industry, and your competitors will always look for new ways to outmaneuver you. So, today we will discuss everything you need to know about digital marketing for plumbers. … Read more

social media vs real life

Social Media vs Real Life: A Guide on How to Stay Safe

It’s no secret that social media has become a huge part of our lives. We use it for work, we use it to keep in touch with friends and family members who live far away from us, and we even find ways to make money because of what we post on social media. However, there … Read more

social media for artists

4 Reasons to Use Social Media for Artists, and the Best Platform

Social media has changed the way we live. It’s a way for people to interact and share information with each other, all from their phone or computer. Social media is also a great tool for artists because it allows them to grow their following and monetize their art by selling merchandise straight from social media. … Read more