4 of the Best EMail Marketing Tools – Which One is Right For You?

Most marketers appreciate the benefits associated with producing a newsletter, but most of us look at it as one of those jobs that we really don’t want to have to do. However, newsletters don’t have to be a time-consuming task. If you treat it like a job you like doing, then, this will be reflected in your material, making it a better read for your target audience and, ultimately, growing your readership and increasing revenue.

One aspect that might be frustrating is the process of getting the content out into the world.

For some marketers, newsletters are the only thing they do, and so this task has become an essential component of their internet marketing strategy.

Many email systems, such as Gmail, now feature special tabs dedicated to promotional emails, allowing users to keep track of all of their promotional communications in one spot.

Some businesses have attempted to send out their newsletters from their own email addresses in the past. With the introduction of spam, new laws were established that make employing that method detrimental to your company’s success.

If your email is deemed to be sending out enormous waves of emails, you run the risk of all emails from your domain being flagged as spam, and hence never being received by your followers or customers.

Today, we’ll take a look at the software and solutions that can help you create visually appealing email newsletters and then send them out to a large number of subscribers quickly and easily. Using dedicated services such as these means that your email will not be marked as spam, and their tools will also make creating your newsletter a lot more enjoyable.

  1. MailChimp
5 Things To Consider When Publishing A Newsletter

MailChimp is a popular email marketing service used by many businesses and organizations. A constantly developing interface that has been changed over time in response to user feedback has been implemented. You can submit your email lists in the form of a CSV or Excel file, and the system will automatically determine which columns include the user’s name, email address, and other information (this feature is available in most newsletter platforms as well).

In addition, they offer a large range of templates that can be further customized to match your company’s branding. Naturally, you should consider hiring a professional marketing agency to assist you in developing a customized design that complements your brand rather than using a template that will be used by many other businesses, but if you are on a restricted budget, then Mailchimp’s tools are a great place to start.

Metrics such as your open rate can be analyzed, and users can easily unsubscribe from your mailing list. You can then rewrite your next communication in light of the analytics available in your MailChimp account.

It also allows you to conduct split testing, which allows you to test several versions of the same newsletter to determine which version resonates the most with your subscribers.

The price varies based on how many subscribers you are able to send a message to. Some businesses with fewer than 2,000 users may be able to take advantage of their forever free plan. If you have more than 2,000, you can choose between paying on a per-use basis or subscribing to a monthly plan.

  1. GetResponse

Its primary advantage over other email marketing platforms is that it is designed for those who want to complete their newsletter with a landing page or who are delivering webinars. If you want to send out newsletters because your firm provides webinars and you want to keep your users engaged each month, this company is a good fit.

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This service includes a slew of extras designed exclusively for webinars within the interface through which you manage your newsletters. They have specifically targeted that market and include tools such as autoresponders, email reminders, and one-click logins that make the entire experience easier for you and your users to navigate through.

Their landing page templates may also be of interest to businesses who conduct monthly promotions or sales and require a distinct page of material to direct customers to.

However, if you’re looking for a provider that provides more services geared at webinars and that allows you to develop a unique landing page that you can drive users to from your email, then this is a better option than MailChimp.

  1. Constant Contact (also known as Constant Contact Marketing)

Constant Contact has long been a major competitor of MailChimp in the race to be the most well-known brand in email marketing. As a massive corporation, it is an excellent choice if Facebook is an important element of your overall internet marketing plan.

Constant Contact has an email option that is specifically designed to allow readers to effortlessly share your newsletter on Facebook without having to leave the website. Other providers do offer capabilities that are similar to this, but they are not as focused on that function as Constant Contact is on theirs.

The help provided by this company is a significant benefit. If you have any problems, you can quickly receive assistance, and if you are having difficulty learning the interface, there are numerous resources accessible to assist you in finding the answers you require.

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This option might be regarded as the most social media-friendly, as it includes all of the primary elements of the other options listed above, as well as some additional capabilities. If you use Hootsuite for your online marketing (you can incorporate this into Hootsuite) and you concentrate your efforts on obtaining traction on social media, this is a fantastic email tool to have on hand.

4. aWeber

AWeber is an exceptionally popular solution that is suggested by a large number of professional marketing organizations. This service offers five different pricing options as well as a comprehensive list of services, including limitless email marketing campaigns, follow-ups, lists, and autoresponders.

The Autoresponder platform, which allows businesses to automate the process of sending customized emails to clients on a schedule, is often regarded as superior to that of competing companies by many consumers.

GetResponse and AWeber are similar in terms of their fundamental functions. With AWeber, you pay a monthly price based on the size of your list, which allows you to send out as many campaigns as you like. Prices start at $19 US per month.

There are a plethora of alternatives to consider as well. Email newsletters are a powerful business tool, and they account for a significant portion of the online marketing industry. It’s difficult to declare which is the finest because most of them offer the same set of key features and then differentiate themselves in more specialized market segments.

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